Pavel Durov, the founder of VK and Telegram, was detained in France. The billionaire has already been placed in custody, where he will await a court decision. According to journalists, he was detained when exiting his private plane on the runway of Le Bourget airport (a suburb of Paris). The flight arrived from Azerbaijan. The businessman was accompanied by a bodyguard and a woman. According to media reports, Durov did not cooperate with the French security forces. It is clarified that the claim of local authorities to the messenger is related to encrypted messages. “Over the years, it has become the number one platform for organized crime,” the investigator said. Durov was sent into custody. According to journalists, he may face numerous charges on Sunday. These include: “terrorism, drugs, fraud, money laundering,” etc. He faces 20 years in prison. Durov received French citizenship in 2021. The corresponding decree was signed by Jean Kostex, who served as Prime minister. The billionaire will appear in court as a French citizen. Earlier, the entrepreneur was declared persona non grata in France. He tried not to visit European countries, choosing the Emirates, South America and the countries of the former USSR. Here are my comments in this regard: 1. In order to understand the hidden and deep motives of Durov’s arrest, it is necessary to determine on which side Telegram was more successful in the information war between Russia and the collective West. Consequently, it may be assumed that this arrest is connected with the intensification of the information war against Russia and non-Western countries by the countries of the collective West and the United States using the telegram channel. 2. The legal assessment of sellers with various tools, services, weapons, means of communication, Internet connections is a murky topic, since the buyers of these various products may be criminals, various political radical actors, etc. The owners of such global instruments, in particular, Durov, are in special legal conditions. 3. Objective truth is impossible in this area! Therefore, the punishment is based on the attitude shown by these owners of global networks on the part of public and political structures in different countries. This is the trigger zone where key events take place in the sphere of confrontation between the collective West and non-Western countries. 4. Only time will tell how much Durov will turn into a kind of representative of the “Internet democracy” of al-Assange. Assange’s beneficiaries are a murky topic! Assange did not have large capitals, and Durov has the most powerful capitals in the world. And everything will depend on these capitals.
Durov’s magical financial transformations are apparently connected not only with his talent as an entrepreneur. 5. The version associated with his crypts and those who placed bets on them cannot be dismissed. 6 . The version of competition with the Mask may well be! 7 . I am sure that everything that is happening around Durov is connected with the entry of the collective West and the United States into the agony caused by the transformation of the world order, in which social networks occupy a special place. In order to understand Pavel Durov’s situation philosophically and logically, it is necessary to accept that we all continue to live in the era of postmodernism. In the era of postmodernism, the essence of which began to depend not only on the globalization of one selfish currency (the dollar), but also on the globalization of communications, that is, on the globalization of social networks, a new global phenomenon arose that has never existed in the history of mankind. This phenomenon is connected with the fact that a selfish international actor appeared, in fact, a world-class entrepreneur who decided to anoint the entire world economy with one green paint and organize an imaginary diversity of the world consisting of the same thing – the dollar. The postmodern philosopher Jean Baudrillard called it the Hell of the same Thing. This is how the circulatory global system of the world was formed, through which the “green blood” of the dollar began to flow, and a hegemon came into the World, whose role is played by the United States. Time passed and the hegemon, represented by several entrepreneurs, continued this globalization and built the global “nervous system of the world” – the Internet. And already within the framework of it, global communicators and owners of global social networks have appeared. Pavel Durov turned out to be one of them. Now the world has connected so much that all people have the opportunity to know about each other, to introduce themselves to each other and the world. And the level of this representation began to depend not only on the talents and destructiveness of the people of the planet, but also on the financial capabilities of the participants. This has turned into a special communication “oxygen” of the whole world. And life is impossible without oxygen! And this global “oxygen” began to be sold. Thus, entrepreneurship has entered the sphere of the main and global “oxygen” of the world – global global communications. This is a completely different global product, since these global products are associated with penetration into the social internals of the whole world and into the mechanisms of these internals, which go into national security problems. Of course, later, when our brains are connected to the Internet with the help of chips, an even more dangerous problem will arise (see the monograph by R.R.Garifullin, Fundamentals of Postmodern Psychology, 2015). And there, too, there will be their own entrepreneurs.But fortunately, we are still far from that, but Elon Musk is moving towards it. There is one conclusion: it is obvious that entrepreneurs in the field of selling global “oxygen”, in particular, the “oxygen” of communications, need to be monitored. Imagine that selfish entrepreneurs will appear in the world who will regulate the supply of oceanic oxygen to countries around the world. Someone more, and someone less! It will be terrible! Fortunately, the hegemon does not touch oceanic oxygen yet, but at the same time there are already technological and environmental tools in this regard, allowing to improve the environmental conditions of some countries and worsen those of others. By the way, the same thing happens with the receipt of dollars! Even the taps are offdollars appeared in the form of American sanctions. All this is a complex problem of the ecology of nature, the ecology of man and society, the ecology of the economy and other ecosystems.
But there is a certain “oxygen” of truth and truth, which supposedly cannot be blocked. At the same time, any philosopher will tell you that the philosophical problem of truth, truth and objectivity is the most obscure topic with which the whole world is manipulated. The hegemon is playing on this murky topic.
Does Pavel Durov have a holistic understanding of what is happening, the contours of which I have outlined above? Or is he short-sighted as an information technology tech guy? His fate will depend on it.
So, what do we have today in relation to Pavel Durov, an entrepreneur in the field of selling communication “oxygen”.
Telegram’s EU demands a centralized, managed and automated approach to content moderation:
• Strengthening measures to identify illegal content (the criteria will be set by the EU), where Telegram will have to develop more effective algorithms and systems for automatic detection of potentially illegal content.
• Speeding up the removal process, in which the DSA requires platforms to respond quickly to notices of illegal content.
• Transparency of moderation processes. Telegram will have to publish regular reports on its moderation activities.
• Cooperation with “trusted signalers”. The DSA introduces the concept of “trusted signalers” — organizations that can help identify illegal content.
In order to become public in the jurisdiction of the United States and its allies (Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, Singapore, etc.), Telegram will have to play by the rules of the system, which means:
• Open a direct gateway for data exchange with the special services of the United States and the collective West.
• Introduce strict content moderation and filtering procedures.
• Disclose sensitive information about the structure of the Telegram ecosystem, methods of collecting, storing and processing information, and implement partial deanonymization of users.
• Disclose Telegram’s business model and hundreds of other requirements for public companies.
Durov did not play by the rules of the United States, pursuing an independent policy, having lost billions and possibly also freedom. That is, the selfish global subject hegemon (USA) decided to take another smaller selfish subject Pavel Durov under the hood. The fact that Durov was unable to bargain or negotiate with international actors is not his problem. This is a problem of competition between these international actors. Moreover, these international actors are now in a phase of uncertainty caused by the transformation of the world order and the confrontation between Western and non-Western countries. By the way, non-Western countries are already gradually rejecting this ugly globalization, controlled by a hegemon, as this deception can be costly.
Durov realized one thing, that globalization in the sphere into which he entered as an entrepreneur is connected with the problem of his survival as an entrepreneur and as a person. The global sale of communication oxygen is a key area of global conflict, on which the fate of the world will depend!
Thus, it must be recognized that there is a narrow-minded and short-sighted reduction of problems with Telegram only to the problems of some private crimes and crimes in the field of cybersecurity, problems of national and state security of international actors, secret information, showdowns and competitions of those in power and other economic entities, etc. Although these problems are also relevant. Alas! In the end, most likely everything is connected with the following deep and hidden motives of the hegemon (USA) :
1. Everything that is happening is most likely going on within the framework of the hegemon project (USA). According to this project, the hegemon is preparing new conditions for waging an information war against Russia and non-Western countries. The key factors of informational global influence on the world are being cleared and transformed, as the influence on the world through the global dollar has weakened. Most likely, Telegram turned out to be only one of the points of this long-term project aimed at preventing the processes of agony of the United States in connection with the transformation of the world order.
2. All recommendations for what is happening in China. China, most of all in the world, is working to ensure that there are no problems of state and national security in connection with the import introduction of various information and global technologies in the field of communications and mass information influence. For example, let’s recall how China isolated itself from Wikipedia by creating its own homegrown Hudung.
3. Most likely, the plans and goals of the hegemon in the sphere of global information influence on the world are stalling. The American multibillion-dollar You Tube turned out to be insufficient for these purposes. Therefore, the hegemon began a global correction on global messengers and social networks around the world. Telegram is just the beginning. This area is expecting a big transformation. This is in the plans of the hegemon.
Associate Professor of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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