Первый код —
@bot_router_send_photo.message(Command(«remind»), IsAdmin(lst_admin))
async def hello(message: Message, bot: Bot):
await message.answer(text=’Планировщик запущен.’)
with sq.connect(‘sq_bot.db’) as time_photo:
id = -4152120133
cur = time_photo.cursor()
time = cur.execute(«»»SELECT time FROM data_photo»»»).fetchall()
photo = cur.execute(«»»SELECT photo FROM data_photo»»»).fetchall()
photo_name = cur.execute(«»»SELECT…
async def hello(message: Message, bot: Bot):
await message.answer(text=’Планировщик запущен.’)
with sq.connect(‘sq_bot.db’) as time_photo:
id = -4152120133
cur = time_photo.cursor()
time = cur.execute(«»»SELECT time FROM data_photo»»»).fetchall()
photo = cur.execute(«»»SELECT photo FROM data_photo»»»).fetchall()
photo_name = cur.execute(«»»SELECT…
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